Recorded: EIP 2021 ● Language: English ● Duration: 116 minutes ● Topic: The Future of Emergency Pediatrics
Moderator: Damian Roland
Presentation 1: Are We Prepared for a Future Pandemic?
Silvia Bressan (IT)
Learning Objectives: (1) Describe the gaps in preparedness and response to the COVID pandemic in pediatric emergency care (PEC) (2) Review the lessons learned from the COVID pandemic for preparedness and response in PEC (3) Discuss sustainable changes and future perspectives on pandemic preparedness and response in PEC
Presentation 2: How do we do better for children and young people with mental health crises in pediatric medical settings?
Lee Hudson (UK)
Learning Objectives: 1) What is the current evidence base for what’s best for these children and young people? (2) What is missing in training and service set-ups? (3) How do we make an argument for the importance of children and young people with mental health crises
Presentation 3: Pediatric Emergency Care – The next five years
Damian Roland (UK)
Learning Objectives: (1) Understand the critical challenges facing Paediatric Emergency Care in a peri-COVID world. (2) Be aware of specific PEC activities that are likely to change as a result of the pandemic. (3) Describe what PEC service delivery and research might deliver in the next five years.