Recorded: EIP 2021 ● Language: English ● Duration: 105 minutes ● Topic: Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Moderator: Timo Vesikari
Presentation 1: Rotavirus vaccination-a global view
Timo Vesikari (FI)
Learning Objectives: (1) Understand the role of rotavirus in global childhood mortality due to acute gastroenteritis. (2) Learn about existing live oral rotavirus vaccines and their use. (3) Learn about what has been achieved by national rotavirus vaccination programs and what still needs to be done.
Presentation 2: Prevention of Influenza: How do we get there?
Valtyr Thors (IS)
Learning Objectives: (1) Flu epidemics – differentiate between prevention of infection and lowering severity. What is the role of children? (2) Details of vaccination strategies for risk groups (3) What options do we have in terms of an altered approach to influenza vaccination?
Presentation 3: Coverage and Vaccine Effectiveness of COVID Vaccination in the Netherlands - 12-18 Year-Olds
Mirjam Knol (NL)
Learning Objectives: (1) To know COVID-19 vaccination coverage by age group and geographic area in the Netherlands. (2) To know which methods and data are used to estimate vaccine effectiveness in the Netherlands. (3) To know COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against severe and mild COVID-19 by age group and vaccine in the Netherlands.