Recorded: EIP 2021 ● Language: English ● Duration: 116 minutes ● Topic: Adolescents Nutrition and Diets
Moderator: Dorothy Currie
Presentation 1: Nutrition-Related Behaviours in Adolescents and their Determinants
Katia Castetbon (BE)
Learning Objectives: (1) To get an overview of the main issues on adolescent diet and its determinants. (2) To analyze the methodological issues related to the adolescent diet in epidemiology. (3) To critically appraise scientific papers on adolescent diet and determinants.
Presentation 2: Linking Nutrition to the Adolescent Health Agenda
Julianne Williams (WHO)
Learning Objectives: (1) Identify why adolescent nutrition is key for achieving global health targets including sustainable development goals. (2) Discuss influences on adolescent nutrition, (3) Discuss ways in which the WHO European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases is working to promote adolescent nutrition in the WHO European Region.
Presentation 3: Co-Create: Involvement of young people in the creation of policies to prevent adolescent overweight
Oddrun Samdal (NO)
Learning Objectives: (1) Current levels of overweight in adolescents (2) Nutrition and physical activity policies in European countries.(3) Strategies to and results from involving young people in the creation of policies to prevent adolescent overweight