Recorded: EIP 2020 ● Language: English ● Duration: 105 minutes Topic: Adolescent Medicine

Presentation 1: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma-Informed Practice and Ending Cycles of Violence

MARK BELLIS, Director of Policy, Research and Development, Public Health Wales, UNITED KINGDOM

Learning Objectives: (1) Adverse childhood experiences are common and result in substantive health harms in childhood, adolescence, and across the life course (2) Different ACEs (e.g. child maltreatment and household domestic violence) tend to cluster within specific households, and the health, social and economic costs of leaving such ACEs unaddressed are substantive (3) Multi-sectoral programmes that build trauma-informed services and communities are already showing promising results through supporting children and adolescents with a history of ACEs and building resilience

Presentation 2: International Trends in Bullying and Fighting: The role of supportive relationships

WILLIAM PICKETT, Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Health Sciences, Brock University, CANADA, WENDY CRAIG, Co-founder and Scientific Director, Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network, CANADA, NATHAN KING, PhD candidate in Epidemiology and Research Associate, Department of Public Health Sciences, Queen’s University, CANADA

Learning Objectives: (1) Highlight recent cross-national trends in adolescent fighting and bullying behaviour (2) Examine the role of supportive relationships in the links between fighting and bullying, and mental health problems (3) Consider implications for practice and policy.

Presentation 3: Where Does the Violence Start – and Can We Prevent It?

HELEN MINNIS, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM

Learning Objectives: (1) Pre-schoolers are often aggressive, and this aggression usually diminishes with development. (2) Persistent aggression is associated with the experience of family violence in early life. (3) Treating/addressing family neuro-developmental problems might be a new way to break the intergenerational cycle of violence.