Recorded: EIP 2020 ● Language: English ● Duration: 120 minutes ● Topic: Pediatric Nutrition
Presentation 1: Normal Development of Mouth/Face in iInfants. Important Hard (Teeth) and Soft Tissue Anomalies that Need Early Recognition
RICHARD WIDMER, Associate Clinical Professor in Paediatric Dentistry, University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Learning Objectives: (1) Understand the embryology of oro-facial development with special reference to both the initiation, calcification and eruption of both dentitions and the associated soft tissues (2) Review implications of childhood illness on the development, eruption and long term survival of the primary and permanent dentitions and illustrate common oral pathology 3) Consider incorporating oral health assessment in all children ( from 12 months ) and encouraging families/carers to find a dental home before 18 months of age.
Presentation 2: Mucopolysaccharidoses - Complex Case Studies - Differentiating Between Types of MPS in Children
CHRISTINA LAMPE, Director of the Centre for Rare Diseases, University Hospital of Giessen, GERMANY
Learning Objectives: (1) Using Case Studies to better understand how the multidisciplinary team approach to managing MPS patients is so vital (2) Examining the role of the general paediatrician in coordinating local care and allied healthcare professionals through a typical case study
Presentation 3: Short Stature and Other Endocrine Presenting Symptoms of Mucopolysaccharidosis - Case Studies (Pre-Recorded)
ANA MARIA MARTINS, Director of Reference Center in Inborn Errors of Metabolism Federal University of Sao Paulo, BRAZIL
Learning Objectives: (1) Short stature as a presenting symptom of attenuated Mucopolysaccharidosis type I: case report and clinical insights (2) Looking at their main endocrine presenting signs and other signs of MPS (3) How to avoid the misdiagnosis in practice
Presentation 4: Joint and Bone Manifestations of Mucopolysaccharidoses - Case Studies (Pre-Recorded)
BIANCA LINK, Senior Physician and Specialist Registrar, Metabolic Department and Soft Tissue Unit, Kinderspital Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Learning Objectives: (1) Recent Case Study examples of musculoskeletal manifestations of mucopolysaccharidoses (2) Reviewing how to recognize precocious musculoskeletal signs for metabolic disease (3) Using examples to understand the timing of orthopaedic surgical options based on the presenting signs of MPS